10 Benefits of Totally Visual CRM Software
It’s 2016, yet something has gone amiss that’s led to the vast majority of non-visual CRM software falling into a grey, tabulated, and systematic vortex. We’re asking ‘why?’ Here’s an image of SalesForce from today...
Study Reveals Integrated Marketing Automation & CRM Improves Satisfaction
A survey on The Effects of Marketing Automation on Sales and Marketing Alignment, has revealed organizations that invest in an integrated marketing automation and CRM systems are more likely to be satisfied with...
Enabling salespeople to sell more: When Everybody is Selling
In recent years the role of marketeers has evolved to focus on achieving tangible goals by enabling salespeople to sell more effectively.With the automation of many marketing functions, such as lead nurturing,...
SalesSeek: What’s the Point?
Why, given the dominance of SalesForce, would anyone think it was a good idea to bring a new CRM tool to market? Because we think: Start-up and small companies need 50% of Eloqua and 50% of Salesforce, but without...